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Be A Sponsor

We’re a local, incorporated, volunteer amateur choir with professional aspirations, and a constitutional mandate of fostering the arts in Fredericton through stewardship, performance, and collaboration.  And we’ve been doing it now for over fifty years! 

Let people know you care about the arts in Fredericton!

What We Need

Competitive salaries: for our Artistic Director and rehearsal accompanist.

The freedom to collaborate with other local musicians: Our creativity and outreach is only as generous as our balance sheet allows.

To keep membership dues affordable:
So as not to be a barrier for participation.

To balance our operating budget:  Music costs, venue rental, media and marketing expenses, are covered by only two sources of income: member dues, and ticket sales.

What You Get

Incredible marketing value: Across printed and online concert posters and programs, website and social media,  in-concert mentions, and complimentary tickets.

Send a positive, widespread message: Choral music brings people together from almost every walk of Frederictonian life.  Sponsorship tells them all that you care about the arts!

Put your marketing dollars back into the community:  The arts support a vibrant and diverse community - one where top employees will want to live, work, shop and contribute.

What Fredericton Gets

Cultural and artistic growth: Bel Canto is dedicated to growing the arts sector in Fredericton, through leading by example, to show the level of quality the city’s myriad amateur artists can attain.

Something to be proud of: It is Bel Canto’s intention to increase its participation in competitions and festivals, and to take our creativity and musicianship to other communities in the Maritimes. With your help, we can make this a reality (and we’ll take you along with us).


  • Full page colour advertisement in our concert programs.

  • Acknowledgement in the programs and on our website, with logo and link

  • Top billing on our concert posters.

  • Promotion on all our social media marketing

  • 12 complimentary concert tickets (6 per show)


  • Full page Black and white advertisement in our concert programs

  • Acknowledgement in the programs and on our website

  • Promotion on all our social media marketing

  • 8 complimentary tickets for the sponsored concert


  • Half page Black and white advertisement in our concert program

  • Acknowledgement in the programs and on our website

  • Promotion on all our social media marketing

  • 6 complimentary concert tickets (3 per show)

of Bel Canto

  • Quarter page Black and white advertisement in our concert program

  • Acknowledgement in the programs and on our website

  • Promotion on all our social media marketing

  • 2 complimentary tickets to the concert of your choice

Advertise in our programs

An affordable way to support the arts, and get seen by a captive audience!

Choral concerts are a place where an appreciative community gathers to share a wonderful experience together, and you've got their attention! We print in excess of 150 programs per concert for our audiences, and provide an online version to the entire world!

Contact us for deadlines and specifications, or if you have any questions or requests.

For placement in both regular
Season concerts!

Full Page     $ 200
1/2 Page      $100
1/4 Page      $ 50

I'm Interested!

Thank you in advance for your generous support!

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